Julia Leyten & Evelien de Jong


juliJulia Leyten

The best way to be recognized as a productive member of society is to track your workouts,

steps, calories, proteins, macronutrients, hours of sleep, carbohydrates, heartbeats and

caffeine intake. You will finally be recognized as a valuable member of society. You can outdo

others in life, you can win this competition.


















Evelien de Jong

RADIO ENZON consists of Evelien de Jong, Raisa Prins and Mees de Jong and is a Futuristic-Tech-Noise-Art-Performance band, with which Raisa, Mees and Evelien perform futuristic performances inspired by Planet Enzon, where they perform the sounds of Enzon live.


A futuristic art project that Evelien de Jong has been working on for years. She discovered the planet and named it Enzon. She could be a nice base of operations for humanity, should we continue to ruin our planet. Or because a deranged leader would push a red button... In her artworks, installations and performances, Evelien searches for answers to questions such as: What does Enzon look like? How do you go to Enzon? Would you want to go there? How do you prepare for a trip to Enzon? How do you make sure you stay healthy when you go to Enzon? What does Enzon sound like? Together, these installations form a whole world unto themselves, into a parallel universe. RADIO ENZON is experimental and a real experience to experience. Especially for the Butfilmfestival Mees, Raisa and Evelien of RADIO ENZON have a new Futuristic-Tech-Noise-Art-Performance in store. Come and experience it with us.



Performances op zaterdag

Julia Leyten

The best way to be recognized as a productive member of society is to track your workouts, steps, calories, proteins, macronutrients, hours of sleep, carbohydrates, heartbeats and caffeine intake. You will finally be recognized as a valuable member of society. You can outdo others in life, you can win this competition.

Evelien de Jong