The Nerds
This block is dedicated to the nerdy kids in high school. To the girl who had a panic attack when she scored 95% on a test instead of 100%. To the boy with braces and glasses so thick they could stop bullets. To the kid who was captain of the science club, the chess team and about 10 other after school activities. These short films are for them and for you!
Is Your Teen a Homosexual?

'Is Your Teen A Homosexual?' is a short allegorical comedy that satirizes Trump's America by using the style of “teen hygiene” educational films of the 1950s. Johnny comes out to his family, who is helped by an off-screen Narrator, but stereotypes and prejudices prove to be stronger than family ties.

A monk’s dedication is put to the ultimate test in this psychotically psychedelic animated nightmare. Will he succeed? Or will he fall victim to the ultimate enemy his own Self?
Right of Way

Imagine a time in the not-too-distant future... a time in which humans are free to roam the streets, without masks, without social distance guidelines. Will it be a dream come true? Or will almost 2 years of quarantining cause us to be a society of bumbling fools? This film answers that question.
My name is Koji

A man bonds with his giant robot.

A taxidermist obsessed with the beauty of butterflies attempts to turn himself into a human butterfly. His calculations were incorrect so his transformation takes longer than he originally thought.
Feed Your Muse

Andrew is an aspiring but broke novelist. After acquiring a sculpture purported to be the “muse” of a famous dead author, Andrew begins waking up every day filled with creative inspiration. But, at night, he starts to experience an unsettling form of sleep paralysis.
Enter the Beardman

Bearded karateka Chuck and his eleven year old student Tam-Tam become hostages of the terrible Сat Spirit of Wool, who wants to enslave the whole world and destroy humanity
What's the smell of clouds?

The caretaker of a neighborhood community hears strange strange percussive music, noises and screams that comes from the house of one of his neighbors. Something strange is happening in there.
Sous La Mousse

Five-year-old Ivan’s babysitter has forced him to take a bath. Beneath the bubbles, he’s horrified to find a terrifying creature he must face.