Sun, Sept 1
Galaxy of Horrors
Galaxy of Horrors

Canadian Sci-fi anthology compilated by Justin McConnell for the Little Terrors film festival
Trapped in a damaged cryogenic pod, a man is forced to watch a series of horrific science-fiction tales while his life support systems run out. Featuring eight intense stories of the unknown and other-worldly, equally wonderful and terrifying. Visit the GALAXY OF HORRORS, if you dare! Curated from Rue Morgue & Unstable Ground's Little Terrors Festival.
Dennis Cabella ... (segment "Pathos")
Javier Chillon ... (segment "They Will All Die In Space")
Todd Cobery ... (segment "Eden")
Andrew Desmond ... (segment "Entity")
Benni Diez ... (segment "Kingz")
Marcello Ercole ... (segment "Pathos")
Richard Karpala ... (segment "Iris")
Justin McConnell ... (segment "wraparound")
Antonio Padovan ... (segment "Eveless")
Fabio Prati ... (segment "Pathos")
Ethan Shaftel ... (segment "Flesh Computer")
Marinko Spahic ... (segment "Kingz")
Lieutenant Jangles (2 rep.)
Lieutenant Jangles

An over the top, politically incorrect spoof of 80s buddy action films with an Australian twist. LT Jangles takes all the classic 80s macho movie tropes and flips them on their head. The titular character is basically the love child of Crocodile Dundee and Ron Burgundy. He goes on a blood-soaked rampage of revenge after his best friend gets his dick shot off in a heated gunfight with street thugs.
DAYPASS / All tickets

Two scientists are placed in hibernation and should be awaken after three years. But when they wake up, it turns out that it has been fifty years, and they are the only two males in a new, underground society composed exclusively of women.
How does that sound as a fresh start to the final day of BUT 2019? Feminist Polish SF from behind the iron curtain.
The Man Who Fell To Earth
The Man who fell to Earth

Thomas Newton may look like a human, but something is not quite right - he is definitely not in his natural habitat. Sent to earth from his dessicating planet he must look for water and starts a high-tech company to finance his space journey back home.
BUT is proud to present the visually stunning classic film that formed the inspiration for this year's main theme about Alienation. David Bowie's two-coloured eyes, his dead pale snakelike body make him the best cast alien ever.
Both the protagonist and director recently left us - this screening is our way of paying tribute.
Shorts 1 - Spaced out (2 rep.)
Part of the Festival Sunday Shorts Marathon
The Jerry Show

A miserable sad sack struggled to mollify a bully he can’t escape
Sebar-e Do Bar Barabar

O ONE O is an angry, overdosed and unconventional film that is not based on narrative like the ordinary films.
Unplanned Parenthood

A soon-to-be mother goes to a Planned Parenthood clinic for her last check up. But everything takes a dark turn for the worse.

In a future where Earth has been turned into a planetary ghetto, Dawkins, a former-cop-turned-pickpocket, tracks down a mssing child about to be sold to an alien overlord.
BFF Girls

Three dorky American girls magically transform into beautiful Japanese Superheroes and fight a tampon monster as they begin their journey into womanhood.
The Power of Glove + The Scuzzies (VF)
The Power of Glove

1989. In an era of Nintendo-mania, toymaker giant Mattel unleashes a bold technological experiment to an eager public. The POWER GLOVE: the first video game controller that allows players to operate Nintendo games with intuitive hand gestures. Despite immense hype surrounding its release, the product is a critical failure, disappointing thousands of children with its subpar gameplay. More than two decades later, however, dedicated fans continue to repurpose the Power Glove for art pieces, hacking projects, electronic music, and more. For the first time ever: the story behind the world's most notorious video game controller.
The Scuzzies

Horror Teletubbies on acid.

Mécanix tells the story of the last human beings who are forced to be the slaves of the strange creatures that rule this strange world. There is only one thing these beasts fear - the embryo of the universe : the origin of everything. The only hope that the humans have is to free themselves from this mecanic environment before they all die.
Surrealistic and beautiful take on the exploitation genre, one of the most original and dark takes on a post-apocalyptic world in this fantastic stop-motion animation movie from Canada.
Silent Performance
Daryl Grootfaam. Het Gerucht.

Er gaat een hardnekkig maar ijl gerucht door Nederland. Hardnekkig omdat het gerucht al sinds mensenheugenis bestaat. IJl omdat weinigen van het gerucht weet hebben. Een goed bewaard geheim waarover men liever niet praat. Waar men zelfs liever niet aan denkt. En als het Gerucht dan toch ter sprake komt, dan wordt de mond half open gedaan en de keel geschraapt terwijl er lucht wordt uitgeblazen. Zodoende de klank van het Gerucht gemaakt. Het Gerucht wordt de laatste jaren vaker waargenomen. Een witte schim hier. Het gevoel aangestaard te worden daar. Misselijkheid, nakend gevaar.
Imke Zeinstra

Imke Zeinstra is een performance artiest. Momenteel woont ze in Rotterdam. Na een voorbereidend jaar ging ze Fine Arts te studeren aan AKV | St. Joost Breda. Haar werk wordt gekenmerkt door het fysieke gebruik van haar eigen lichaam. Materiaal- en kledingkeuze speelt hierbij ook een grote rol. Dit benadrukt thema's als verleiding, sensualiteit en erotiek. Haar werk is op het eerste gezicht fijn en mooi om naar te kijken. In haar performances probeert ze haar meest innerlijke verlangens te tonen, ook al zijn ze soms in conflict met elkaar.

Al enkele dagen loopt er een vreemd figuur door Breda. Het is niet van deze wereld, maar waar wel vandaan is niet duidelijk. Communiceren met dit paarse figuur is tot op heden nagenoeg onmogelijk gebleken. Gevaarlijk lijkt het in ieder geval niet. Eerder nieuwsgierig. Kunt U hier wijs uit?
GOPI is ook op zaterdag en zondag aanwezig!
Derk Over met Jessie Depressie

Jessie Depressie is een Nederlandse Drag Queen die via kleinkunst en drag een verhaal verteld over identiteit, zelfbeeld en het anders zijn. Door middel van zelfgeschreven liedjes en monologen probeert zij haar omgeving te duiden, maar is zelf ook vooral nog erg verward."
FP2: Beats of Rage + Space Between Stars (VF)
FP2: Beats of Rage

FP2 is sequel to The FP (2018): In a post apocalyptic future, two rival gangs fight for control of Frazier Park by playing "Beat Beat Revelation", a deadly version of Dance, Dance, Revolution.
Despite hanging up his boots following the events of 'The FP,' JTRO must return to the blood sport of Beat-Beat Revelation one last time. JTRO and KCDC - his mystical hype man - will quest deep into The Wastes, a land destroyed by the Beat Wars, to compete in the ancient Beat-Beat tournament, "Beats of Rage," face AK-47 - and, hopefully, save the world.
So, heads up for 80s gamers! Short film: SPACE BETWEEN THE STARS
Spoof Wars: May The Farce Be With You! (PRESENTATION)
Spoof Wars: May The Farce Be With You!

Expect an evening of queasy entertainment full of Star Wars rip-offs!
We present the cheapest filth from the sewers of world cinema and the most horrendous copyright infringements ever to see the light of a cinema screen. Fake it till you make it! After the success of the first Star Wars film, worldwide poor attempts erupted from the minds of below-average filmmakers, trying to cash in on the formula of George Lucas. All of a sudden sci-fi films were equipped with spaceship crews consisting of furry animals, female characters with strange hair and long white dresses, and a grant finale with improvised lightsaber battles.
We have fake versions, stupid commercials, cartoon reworkings and xxx-rated versions with Darth Vader and his giant lightsaber, plus Chewbakka and Princess Lay Her getting it on! Finally, it becomes clear why he is breathing so heavily!
We have Turkish and Japanese Star Wars, Ewoks, Battle Beyond the Stars, Star Crash, Galaxina, and many, many more..
Trust us: The biggest threat to our galaxy comes from the Star Wars Christmas Special!
The screening consists of a 30 minute presentation by NIGHT OF ERROR plus a main feature: Turkish Star Wars
Liquid Sky
Liquid Sky

Invisible aliens in a tiny flying saucer come to Earth looking for heroin. They land on top of a New York apartment inhabited by a drug dealer and her female, androgynous, bisexual nymphomaniac lover, a fashion model. The aliens soon find the human pheromones created in the brain during orgasm preferable to heroin, and the model's casual sex partners begin to disappear. This increasingly bizarre scenario is observed by a lonely woman in the building across the street, a German scientist who is following the aliens, and an equally androgynous, drug-addicted male model.
Darkly funny and thoroughly weird, with a cool electro soundtrack, Liquid Sky is unmissable cult.
Shorts 2 - Black Hole (2 rep.)
Part of the Festival Sunday Shorts Marathon
Pain Noir

Young Pastor promoted, John is an actor in the practice of a strange worship within a closed community.

A sinister man pulls in to ask two young girls for directions... however they are also out hunting tonight and they will stop at nothing to get their kill.
Hitler Is Back From The Grave

When there s no more room in Hell Hitler will walk the Earth.

Joël, journalist, goes to cover a case in the French countryside. But after running over a dog on the road, he finds himself trapped in the stories he usually writes.
The Doll

Raquel's life takes a terrible turn when she finds herself held captive by Gregorio, a sculptor of living dolls, who presents his conceptions of beauty and complete submission.
Noctámbulos (Night Owls)

In the middle of the night, a group of teenagers practice skateboarding without notice that somebody is watching them from the shadows. One of the girls separates from the group to return home through the lonely streets of the city and someone follows her.
Mutant Blast + Zombiercalypse (VF) (2 rep.)
Mutant Blast

Maria, a fearless soldier, and TS-347, a man with superhuman strength, are being pursued by a military cell responsible for scientific experiments that have resulted in a zombie apocalypse. On the way, they will meet Pedro, a man with few ambitions and a great hangover. Together, they will try to escape to a safe place, but complications will cross their paths in the form of a nuclear bomb.
The ever expanding Troma franchise has reached Brazil! Director Fernando Alle is a BUT veteran, who's two trashy toppers we screened before: PAPA WRESTLING & BANANA MOTHERFUCKER. Thash Thursday screening with short film ZOMBIERAPOCALYSE.

The zombie apocalypse has started, but what's worse: we are out of beer! Scheisse!
Shorts 3 - Explorers (2 rep.)
Part of the Festival Sunday Shorts Marathon
Sans Gravité

An astronaut comes back to earth and tries to fit in again.
Motor de Pensamientos

The detective directs his steps toward the final resolution, peppered with encounters with colorful characters.
The Bloody Ballad of Squirt Reynolds

A twisted campfire tale quickly accelerates into a barrage of inspired and gory slasher gags meted out by a body-building, ‘stache-sporting fiend.
Z-GOAT: First Bleat

In a dying world, Darwina the scavenger will face a new threat.
I Am The Doorway

After a journey to investigate desolate Pluto, astronaut Arthur returns home a shattered man. He sees eyes forcing their way through the skin of his hands, eyes that distort his friends and the landscape itself into monstrous visions. Believing himself the doorway to alien invasion and gruesome murder, he must take desperate action.
Escape Pod

An astronaut finds herself in the ruins of a spacestation after a horrific battle. Her only way to safety is the Escape Pod, but will she make it?
Ringo Rocket Star and His Song for Yuri Gagarin

A dry tragic musical comedy short film about a gipsy guy who thought he could be famous by writing a song for the first man in the space: Yuri Gagarin.
Body Paint Jam Presentation

Quirky Canadian horror film that somehow has all the thrilling fun, delightful perversion and uniqueness.
Paul, a troubled veteran, is given a special prescription that opens a door to a world of sex, murder, and revenge. Full of black comedy and violent twists, Rondo follows the young vet as he descends into bizarre criminal enterprises in the high-rises of Denver, Colorado.
There’s only one rule in Rondo: “stay on the plastic” and Paul’s about to break it.