Ignacio Perini (1984) - Poet, journalist & Cultural Producer - Winner of the World Cup Poetry Slam in May 2017 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
He was the Argentina representative at the 11th Coupe du Monde de Poesie, held in Paris, May 2017. He has two plaquettes published: "Dos historias de amor contadas con el diario del lunes" (Subpoesía, 2016) and "Dos reflexiones sobre la vida sin ánimo de moraleja" (Subpoesía, 2017). He's also the editor of Revista B, a magazine dedicated to oral literature and performance poetry. Also, he runs the Virtual Bardo, a poetry competition that uses the platforms of Facebook and YouTube to generate a live, worldwide exchange of poetry in real time.
Tweede deel tijdslot:
Het beruchte performance-duo is er ook weer: 'High Society Lowlives' Kung Fu Fetish. De leermeesters van Kung Fu Fetish geven een snelcursus Wrong Fu voor gevorderden op hoge hakken met onevenaarbare dieptepunten. Voor wie nattigheid voelt is het al te laat.